Jackknife - Side Jackknife - Side

Benefits: This exercise will give you well-defined obliques.

Purpose: This exercise strengthens the oblique abdominal muscles.

Intermediate Obliques Strength Body Only Gym Home
General Info: The abs can be divided into the abdominals themselves and the obliques. The obliques are the outer abs and are used in twisting movements. For the sake of exercising, the abdominals are sometimes divided into upper abs and lower abs (this is not a technical division but something for exercising). Both upper and lower abs are used in straight line ab exercises while the upper abs are also involved in twisting movements.

Jerk - Balance Jerk - Balance

Benefits: The press is a highly effective compound upper-body exercise.

Purpose: The push press is a good exercise for building up and strengthening the shoulder region.

Intermediate Shoulders Triceps Strength Barbell Push Compound Gym
General Info: The Deltoids is a fan-shaped muscle. The Anterior (Front) Deltoid raises the arm toward the front of the body and rotates the arm inward. The Lateral (Side) Deltoid raises the arm to the side. The Posterior (Rear) Deltoid raises the arm toward the rear and rotates the arm outward.

Jerk - Power Jerk - Power

Benefits: It is the single best exercise to develop full body strength and increase your fat-burning metabolism.

Purpose: To develop core strength of the lower and middle body.

Quads Glutes Hamstrings Calves Lower Back Traps Strength Barbell Power Rack Push Compound Gym
General Info: The quads are a set of four muscles in the upper front thigh. All four muscles work to straighten the knee. One of the four (rectus femoris) also helps to bend the hip. Squats are considered a vital exercise for increasing the strength and size of the legs and butt.

Jerk - Split Jerk - Split

Benefits: The press is a highly effective compound upper-body exercise.

Purpose: The push press is a good exercise for building up and strengthening the shoulder region.

Intermediate Shoulders Triceps Strength Barbell Push Compound Gym
General Info: The Deltoids is a fan-shaped muscle. The Anterior (Front) Deltoid raises the arm toward the front of the body and rotates the arm inward. The Lateral (Side) Deltoid raises the arm to the side. The Posterior (Rear) Deltoid raises the arm toward the rear and rotates the arm outward.

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